Ratings (132)


Als Geograph möchte ich mein Wissen über meine Stadt teilen und Ihnen die wertvollsten Sehenswürdigkeiten zeigen. Ich liebe Kunst und Literatur und glaube, dass dies die magischsten Werkzeuge sind, um unsere Welt besser wahrzunehmen. Deshalb gestalte ich meine Touren immer so, dass Sie den Zauber spüren.

3 Touren von Kamil

Ratings (132)

17 May 2024 Budapest
Geprüfte Reservierung
Als Paar gereist - Oct 2023

Very informative with tons of extra stories and details + tea and lovely chat at the end <3

16 May 2024 Stockholm
Geprüfte Reservierung
Allein gereist - May 2024

Kamil was a great guide that explained the history of Baku and Azerbaijan in a fun and interesting way. Definitely recommend!

09 May 2024 London
Geprüfte Reservierung
Allein gereist - Sep 2023

I did two tours with Kamil and both were absolutely fantastic. His knowledge goes well beyond other tour guides and he makes it very interesting and interactive for guests. Highly recommend!

09 May 2024 London
Geprüfte Reservierung
Allein gereist - Sep 2023

One of the best walking tours I’ve ever done - fantastically knowledgeable guide who seeks to draw comparisons with the attendees experiences and understanding. Interactive and so very informative. An absolute must if visiting Baku

16 Apr 2024 London
Geprüfte Reservierung
Als Paar gereist - Apr 2024

Kamil Guruwalks- Kamil is the kind of the guide who you want to have as a guest at your dinner party as the conversations will keep flowing. Loved the tour. Very enthusiastic and informative guide with a wealth of knowledge. Gives a lot of history and background and puts things into perspective for those who love deeper understanding of the city and it's people. Kamil likes to show things beyond the obvious sites. Speaks very good English and German with a lot of supporting pictures on the iPad. The tea experience was something that we didn't expect so that was special too. The tour finished at Nizami st perfect for an after tour snack. The tour lasts much longer than advertised so please don't book appointments right after so you enjoy it in full. We did the inner and outer town magical Baku tour with him and we highly recommend.

Reiseziele, zu denen Kamil Touren anbietet

Ratings (132)

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